How are you feeling? Did you enjoy yourself and overindulge a little during the Holidays? We ALL did! And it's OK. Now it's time to rebalance and tip the scales in the other direction. New Year, New You, as they say :) The fun foods like whipped cream, pies, chocolate, pastries, meats and cheeses, and let's not forget the beverages, alcohol, nogs, sodas and otherwise, phew!... All these foods tend to stick in the colon, clog the lymphatic system and lead to heaviness, tiredness and bloating. They are fun to enjoy but we do not want to live with them 24/7 year round, in our pantries or in our bodies!
Did you enjoy yourself and overindulge a little during the Holidays? We ALL did! And it's OK. Now it's time to rebalance and tip the scales in the other direction.
A great way to kick off your health goals is with a COLONIC. The colonic will hydrate and soften the layers of stool inside our bowels so that they can easily release during your session. It will also eliminate trapped gases from bloating when we eat complicated foods that don't digest well, or have layers of blockages creating traffic jams in the colon. Give yourself a fresh start with a colonic. You will flatten your tummy, improve digestion and feel like a new person.
Another way to take out the trash so to speak is to do a Lymphatic Drainage Massage with our Pressotherapy device. The BallancerPro will reduce water weight through a super relaxing massage. This therapy is slimming and can get rid of cellulite, improve veins, relax the body and improve immunity in general. It is also great for stress reduction, improving sleep and pain issues.
If you combine the Lymphatic Massage with a Colonic you get the best of both worlds. The massage will encourage more physical elimination during the colonic, and what gets detoxed in the massage has a chance to leave during the colonic! Clients have reported great success with this combination.
Our professional center is efficiently equipped with many cleansing modalities, along with a knowledgeable staff to give you proper answers, guidance, with expertise, and put you onto the path of rejuvenation. We’re just a phone call away.